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2225 10.2.4 Test method for the basic performance of the building mortar shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements of the current professional standard JGJ/T 70 Standard for Test Method of Basic Properties of Construction Mortar and the bottom template of the mortar test block is that, with the same material, of the masonry. 10.2.4 建筑砂浆基本性能试验方法应按现行行业标准《建筑砂浆基本性能试验方法》JGJ/T 70的有关规定执行,砂浆试块底模为砌体的同材料底模。
2226 10.2.4 The installation of the call-intercom system shall meet the following requirements: 10.2.4 呼叫对讲系统的安装应符合下列规定:
2227 10.2.4 The lightning protection device shall be installed firmly and reliably and provided with marks indicating its function and destinations clearly. 10.2.4 防雷设施应安装牢固、可靠,并清晰标识用途及去向。
2228 10.2.4 The mix proportioning of concrete for construction in cold weather shall be determined through tests in accordance with such requirements during construction as the ambient air temperature, material, curing method, concrete performance, and the smaller water-binder ratio and slump should be selected. 10.2.4 冬期施工混凝土配合比,应根据施工期间环境气温、原材料、养护方法、混凝土性能要求等经试验确定,并宜选择较小的水胶比和坍落度。
2229 10.2.4 The primer shall be prepared according to the process conditions provided in the manufacturer's instruction; however, its initial viscosity shall be immediately detected by sampling after mixing the primer evenly. 10.2.4 底胶应按产品使用说明书提供的工艺条件配制,但拌匀后应立即抽样检测底胶的初黏度。
2230 10.2.5 Before mixing the concrete for construction in cold weather, the material preheating shall meet the following requirements: 10.2.5 冬期施工混凝土搅拌前,原材料预热应符合下列规定:
2231 10.2.5 If where the primer is surface-dry, however the fibrous materials which are not bonded in shall be bonded 12 hours later; before sticking, the fibrous material shall be brushed with thin and soft wool hairbrush or wiped with clean cotton yarn which is dipped with acetone for industrial use in order to clear the unclean residues and new fallen dusts. 10.2.5 若在底胶指干时,未能及时粘贴纤维材料,则应等待12h后粘贴,且应在粘贴前用细软羊毛刷或洁净棉纱团沾工业丙酮擦拭一遍,以清除不洁残留物和新落的灰尘。
2232 10.2.5 Soft ground treated by pre-surcharge shall be subjected to in-situ vane shear test and laboratory soil test respectively before and after pre-surcharge. 10.2.5 预压处理的软弱地基,在预压前后应分别进行原位十字板剪切试验和室内土工试验。
2233 10.2.5 Test method of masonry mortar for the concrete block shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements of the current professional standard JC 860 Mortar for Concrete Small Hollow Block. 10.2.5 混凝土小型空心砌块砌筑砂浆试验方法应按现行行业标准《混凝土小型空心砌块砌筑砂浆》JC 860的有关规定执行。
2234 10.2.5 The horizontal mortar seam thickness and vertical mortar seam width of hollow brick wall should be 10mm, they shall not be less than 8mm or larger than 12mm. 10.2.5 砌筑空心砖墙的水平灰缝厚度和竖向灰缝宽度宜为10mm,且不应小于8mm,也不应大于12mm。