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2215 10.2.3 Test method for performance of the autoclaved aerated concrete block shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements of the current national standard GB/T 11969 Test Methods of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete. 10.2.3 蒸压加气混凝土性能试验方法应按现行国家标准《蒸压加气混凝土性能试验方法》 GB/T 11969的有关规定执行。
2216 10.2.3 The admixtures for the concrete applicable to construction in cold weather shall meet the relevant requirements of the current national standard GB 50119 Code for Utility Technical of Concrete Admixture. If non-heating curing method is adopted, air entraining admixture, air entraining and water reducing admixture, or admixtures containing air entraining compositions should be added into the concrete and the air content of the concrete should be controlled to 3.0% ~5.0%. 10.2.3 冬期施工混凝土用外加剂,应符合现行国家标准 《混凝土外加剂应用技术规范》GB 50119的有关规定。采用非加热养护方法时,混凝土中宜掺入引气剂、引气型减水剂或含有引气组分的外加剂,混凝土含气量宜控制为3.0%~5.0%。
2217 10.2.3 The installation of lightning protection devices shall meet the following requirements: 10.2.3 防雷设施的安装应符合下列要求:
2218 10.2.3 The installation of the information guidance and release system shall meet the following requirements: 10.2.3 信息导引及发布系统安装应符合下列规定:
2219 10.2.3 Where the adhesive materials adopted for bonding fibrous materials are the structural adhesives equipped with primer, they shall be painted and maintained according to the requirements in the operation instruction of primer and shall not be relieved of the primer painting procedure arbitrarily. 10.2.3 当粘贴纤维材料采用的粘结材料是配有底胶的结构胶粘剂时,应按底胶使用说明书的要求进行涂刷和养护,不得擅自免去涂刷底胶的工序。
2220 10.2.4 After the construction quality acceptance of concrete structure sub-part project is qualified, acceptance documents shall be filed for record according to the relevant requirements. 10.2.4 混凝土结构工程子分部工程施工质量验收合格后,应按有关规定将验收文件存档备案。
2221 10.2.4 Bolts on end plate shall be arranged in pairs. 10.2.4 端板螺栓宜成对布置。
2222 10.2.4 Compaction coefficient may be inspected by cutting ring method, sand replacement method, water replacement method or other methods. 10.2.4 压实系数可采用环刀法、灌砂法、灌水法或其他方法检验。
2223 10.2.4 Edge masonry shall be carried out for fired hollow brick wall and the hole shall be in horizontal direction.3 courses of common bricks should be constructed at the bottom of hollow brick wall and the place within the range of one brick on both sides of door/window openings shall be constructed with fired common bricks. 10.2.4 烧结空心砖墙应侧立砌筑,孔洞应呈水平方向。空心砖墙底部宜砌筑3皮普通砖,且门窗洞口两侧一砖范围内应采用烧结普通砖砌筑。
2224 10.2.4 Test assembling of the member shall be positioned according to the control dimension in the design drawing. For test assembling members with pre-arching and welding shrinkage, the sizing shall be adjusted according to the pre-arching value or shrinkage. 10.2.4 构件预拼装应按设计图的控制尺寸定位,对有预起拱、焊接收缩等的预拼装构件,应按预起拱值或收缩量的大小对尺寸定位进行调整。