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2205 10.2.2 The installation position and installation method of lightning protection device shall meet the design requirements. 10.2.2 防雷设施的安装位置、安装方式应符合设计要求。
2206 10.2.2 The surface water content of the concrete at the position bonded with fibrous material should not be larger than 4% and shall not be greater than 6%. 10.2.2 粘贴纤维材料部位的混凝土,其表层含水率不宜大于4%,且不应大于6%。
2207 10.2.2 Where the construction quality of concrete structures fails to meet the requirements, treatment shall be conducted according the following requirements: 10.2.2 当混凝土结构施工质量不符合要求时,应按下列规定进行处理:
2208 10.2.20 When the ground treatment effect, quality of pile shaft or diaphragm wall and pile or rock anchor bearing capacity are discovered to fail to meet the design requirements during inspection, comprehensive analysis shall be carried out in combination with site engineering geology and construction conditions, if necessary the number of inspections shall be enlarged, and treatment suggestion shall be proposed. 10.2.20 当检验发现地基处理的效果、桩身或地下连续墙质量、桩或岩石锚杆承载力不满足设计要求时,应结合工程场地地质和施工情况综合分析,必要时应扩大检验数量,提出处理意见。
2209 10.2.3 Connection joint of gabled frame girder with upright column, end plate may be in following three forms: upright laying (Figure 10.2.3a), horizontal laying (Figure 10.2.3b) and diagonal laying (Figure 10.2.3c). 10.2.3 门式刚架横梁与立柱连接节点,可采用端板竖放(图10.2.3a)、平放(图10.2.3b)和斜放(图10.2.3c)三种形式。
2210 10.2.3 Construction quality acceptance of concrete structure sub-part project shall be provided with the following documents and records: 10.2.3 混凝土结构子分部工程施工质量验收时,应提供下列文件和记录:
2211 10.2.3 During the construction process of fill compaction, sampling for inspection of dry density and water content of the soil shall be taken layer by layer. 10.2.3 在压实填土的施工过程中,应分层取样检验土的干密度和含水量。检验点数量,对大基坑每50m2~100m2面积内不应少于一个检验点;对基槽每10m~20m不应少于一个检验点;每个独立柱基不应少于一个检验点。
2212 10.2.3 For building structures with venting component in which the ratio of the venting component area Av to the volume of room v is within 0.05~0.15 and the value of volume v is less than 1000m3, the equivalent uniformly distributed static explosion load pk resulted from internal gas explosion may be determined by taking the maximum of the following expressions: 10.2.3 对于具有通口板的房屋结构,当通口板面积AV与爆炸空间体积V之比在0.05~0.15之间且体积V小于1000m3时,燃气爆炸的等效均布静力荷载pk可按下列公式计算并取其较大值:
2213 10.2.3 Similar blocks with different strength grades like autoclaved aerated concrete block and small-sized hollow block of lightweight aggregate concrete shall not be constructed together, they shall also not be constructed together with other wall materials. 10.2.3 蒸压加气混凝土砌块、轻骨料混凝土小型空心砌块等不同强度等级的同类砌块不得混砌,亦不应与其他墙体材料混砌。
2214 10.2.3 Test assembling shall be carried out for the member in the free state. 10.2.3 构件应在自由状态下进行预拼装。