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2165 10.2.11 Filler wall masonry for small-sized hollow block masonry of lightweight aggregate concrete shall be constructed simultaneously at the junction and corner of cross and transverse walls; where simultaneous construction shall not be carried out, it shall be retained into stepped racking with horizontal projection length not less than 2/3 of the height. 10.2.11 轻骨料混凝土小型空心砌块填充墙砌体,在纵横墙交接处及转角处应同时砌筑;当不能同时砌筑时,应留成斜槎,斜槎水平投影长度不应小于高度的2/3。
2166 10.2.11 For driven pile and static jacked pile, verified parameter related with construction process shall be provided. 10.2.11 对打入式桩、静力压桩,应提供经确认的施工过程有关参数。
2167 10.2.11 For the structure arranged with mezzanine, beam and column of mezzanine may be connected with rigid joint, but hinged connection is allowed (Figure 10.2.11). 10.2.11 在设有夹层的结构中,夹层梁与柱可采用刚接,也可采用铰接(图10.2.11)。
2168 10.2.11 Test method of grout for concrete block shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements of the current professional standard JC 861 Grout for Concrete Small Hollow Block. 10.2.11 混凝土小型空心砌块灌孔混凝土试验方法应按现行行业标准《混凝土小型空心砌块灌孔混凝土》JC 861的有关规定执行。
2169 10.2.11 When heating is adopted for curing cast-in-situ concrete, measures shall be taken in accordance with the effects of temperature stress generated by heating on the structure, and the placing sequence and setting position of construction joint shall be arranged properly. 10.2.11 采用加热方法养护现浇混凝土时,应根据加热产生的温度应力对结构的影响采取措施,并应合理安排混凝土浇筑顺序与施工缝留置位置。
2170 10.2.12 As for concrete placed in cold weather, the critical strength in frost resistance shall meet the following requirements: 10.2.12 冬期浇筑的混凝土,其受冻临界强度应符合下列规定:
2171 10.2.12 For cast in-situ concrete pile, parameter related to construction process, including test report for mechanical properties of raw material, number of retained specimen and their production and curing method, test report for concrete compressive strength and inspection report on the production quality of reinforcement cage, shall be provided. 10.2.12 对混凝土灌注桩,应提供施工过程有关参数,包括原材料的力学性能检验报告,试件留置数量及制作养护方法、混凝土抗压强度试验报告、钢筋笼制作质量检查报告。
2172 10.2.12 Where column is deducted, bearing truss or bearing beam should be arranged with hinge support on column (Figure 10.2.12a). 10.2.12 抽柱处托架或托梁宜与柱采用铰接连接(图10.2.12a)。
2173 10.2.12 While constructing small-sized hollow block wall with cavity layer with insulation, one side of this layer shall be arranged near outdoor and form staggered seam with the hole. 10.2.12 当砌筑带保温夹心层的小砌块墙体时,应将保温夹心层一侧靠置室外,并应对孔错缝。
2174 10.2.13 The curing for the concrete structure constructed in cold weather shall meet the following requirements: 10.2.13 混凝土结构工程冬期施工养护,应符合下列规定: