ID 原文 译文
2145 10.2 Prescriptive index method 10.2 规定性指标
2146 10.2 Test Assembling of Steel Structures 10.2 实体预拼装
2147 10.2.1 Connection design shall be simple and direct in force transmission, reasonable in detail, and provided with necessary ductility; it shall be convenient to welding, able to avoid stress concentration and excessive restraint stress, convenient for processing and installation, easy to take position and adjust. 10.2.1 节点设计应传力简捷,构造合理,具有必要的延性;应便于焊接,避免应力集中和过大的约束应力;应便于加工及安装,容易就位和调整。
2148 10.2.1 Equipment Installation of telephone switching system and communication access system shall meet the following requirements: 10.2.1 电话交换系统和通信接入系统设备安装应符合下列规定:
2149 10.2.1 Foundation trench (pit) inspection shall be carried out after it is excavated to the bottom. When the discovered geological conditions are inconsistent with the investigation report and design document, or abnormal condition is encountered, treatment suggestion shall be proposed in combination with geological conditions. 10.2.1 基槽(坑)开挖到底后,应进行基槽(坑)检验。当发现地质条件与勘察报告和设计文件不一致、或遇到异常情况时,应结合地质条件提出处理意见。
2150 10.2.1 In the case of construction in cold weather, the concrete should adopt Portland cement or ordinary Portland cement; if steam-curing is adopted, Portland slag cement should be adopted. 10.2.1 冬期施工混凝土宜采用硅酸盐水泥或普通硅酸盐水泥;采用蒸汽养护时,宜采用矿渣硅酸盐水泥。
2151 10.2.1 Prescriptive indexes of residential building energy-saving design include mainly: the shape coefficient of building, the area ratio of window to wall, the heat transfer coefficient of different parts of envelop, shading coefficient of external window etc. The specific prescriptive indexes for different climate zones shall be determined in accordance with the energy-saving targets. 10.2.1 住宅节能设计的规定性指标主要包括:建筑物体形系数、窗墙面积比、各部分围护结构的传热系数、外窗遮阳系数等。各建筑热工设计分区的具体规定性指标应根据节能目标分别确定。
2152 10.2.1 Qualified construction quality acceptance of concrete structure sub-part project shall meet the following requirements: 10.2.1 混凝土结构子分部工程施工质量验收合格应符合下列规定:
2153 10.2.1 Shear bearing capacity of wire rope mesh-polymer mortar layer in masonry wall surface shall meet the following requirements: 10.2.1 钢丝绳网-聚合物砂浆面层对砌体墙面内受剪加固的受剪承载力应符合下列条件:
2154 10.2.1 Test method for brick shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements of the current national standard GB/T 2542 Test Methods for Wall Bricks. The loading direction in compression test shall be consistent with the direction from which the unit is subject to the gravity inside the masonry. 10.2.1 砖的试验方法应按现行国家标准《砌墙砖试验方法》GB/T 2542的有关规定执行,块体材料抗压试验时,加载方向应与其在砌体中所受重力方向一致。