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2115 10.1.4 Unless otherwise specified, acceptance shall be carried out for the test assembling for the member according to the design document and the current national standard GB 50205 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures. 10.1.4 除有特殊规定外,构件预拼装应按设计文件和现行国家标准《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》GB 50205的有关规定进行验收。
2116 10.1.4 Welding of upper/lower flange of bracket with column flange shall adopt groove full penetration butt weld with weld grade II, while the welding of bracket web with column flange plate shall adopt two-side fillet weld and the weld leg size shall not be less than 0.7 time of bracket web thickness. 10.1.4 牛腿上、下翼缘与柱翼缘的焊接应采用坡口全熔透对接焊缝,焊缝等级为二级;牛腿腹板与柱翼缘板间的焊接应采用双面角焊缝,焊脚尺寸不应小于牛腿腹板厚度的0.7倍。
2117 10.1.5 During entitative inspection of structure, where the inspection result of concrete strength or rebar cover thickness fails to meet the requirements, the inspection shall be carried out by entrusting inspection organization with qualification in accordance with the requirements of the current national relevant standard. 10.1.5 结构实体检验中,当混凝土强度或钢筋保护层厚度检验结果不满足要求时,应委托具有资质的检测机构按国家现行有关标准的规定进行检测。
2118 10.1.5 Elasticity modulus design value of stainless wire rope and galvanized wire rope and tensile strain design value shall be adopted according to Table 10.1.5. 10.1.5 不锈钢丝绳和镀锌钢丝绳的弹性模量设计值及拉应变设计值应按表10.1.5采用。
2119 10.1.5 Energy-saving measures shall be taken for elevators, water pumps and wind engines applied in residential buildings. 10.1.5 住宅内使用的电梯、水泵、风机等设备应采取节电措施。
2120 10.1.5 Research test shall be carried out before the prepared application technology standard of wall materials. 10.1.5 编制墙体材料的应用技术标准应进行研究性试验。
2121 10.1.5 Where small-sized hollow block of lightweight aggregate concrete and autoclaved aerated concrete block are used to construct walls for kitchen, washroom and bathroom, cast-in-place concrete banquette should be constructed at the wall bottom and its height should be 150mm. 10.1.5 在厨房、卫生间、浴室等处采用轻骨料混凝土小型空心砌块、蒸压加气混凝土砌块砌筑墙体时,墙体底部宜现浇混凝土坎台,其高度宜为150mm。
2122 10.1.5 Within 600mm range from upper/lower flange of the bracket on the column, the connection weld of web with flange shall adopt two-side fillet weld. 10.1.5 柱子在牛腿上、下翼缘600mm范围内,腹板与翼缘的连接焊缝应采用双面角焊缝。
2123 10.1.6 For the adoption of trumpet-shaped welded joint, it shall meet the following requirements: 10.1.6 当采用喇叭形焊缝时应符合下列规定:
2124 10.1.6 Sectional area for calculation and its reference weight for wire rope may be adopted according to Table 10.1.6. 10.1.6 钢丝绳计算用的截面面积及其参考重量,可按表10.1.6的规定值采用。