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2085 |
10.1.2 The construction of generic cabling system shall meet the requirements of Chapter 5 in this code; the construction of information network system shall meet the requirements of Chapter 6 in this code; the construction of cable television system shall meet the requirements of Chapter 7 in this code; the construction of electronics conference system shall meet the requirements of Chapter 8 in this code; the construction of broadcasting system shall meet the requirements of Chapter 9 in this code. |
10.1.2 综合布线系统的施工应符合本规范第5章的规定;信息网络系统的施工应符合本规范第6章的规定;有线电视系统的施工应符合本规范第7章的规定;会议系统的施工应符合本规范第8章的规定;广播系统的施工应符合本规范第9章的规定。 |
2086 |
10.1.2 The maximum loading capacity for acceptance inspection of static load test shall not be less than two times the characteristic value of bearing capacity. |
10.1.2 验收检验静载荷试验最大加载量不应小于承载力特征值的2倍。 |
2087 |
10.1.2 The wall material product used for the test shall be randomly taken from the same lot. The group number and the sample quantity of test specimens shall be determined according to the test objective. |
10.1.2 试验用的墙材制品应从同一批中随机抽取,其试件的组数、样本数量应根据试验目标确定。 |
2088 |
10.1.2 When accident load is adopted as a dominated load in structural design, structures shall be designed to have adequate general structural integrity to avoid progressive collapse induced by accidental load effect in the case of damage occurred in local elements. |
10.1.2 当采用偶然荷载作为结构设计的主导荷载时,在允许结构出现局部构件破坏的情况下,应保证结构不致因偶然荷载引起连续倒塌。 |
2089 |
10.1.2 When the daily average temperature reaches 30℃ or above, measures shall be taken in accordance with the requirements of construction in hot weather. |
10.1.2 当日平均气温达到30℃及以上时,应按高温施工要求采取措施。 |
2090 |
10.1.2 Where the externally bonded fabric or plates are strengthened with concrete bearing structures, the construction procedures shall be carried out according to the procedures specified in the construction design (Figure 10.1.2). |
10.1.2 外粘纤维织物或板材加固混凝土承重结构时,其施工程序应按施工设计规定的工序 (图10.1.2)进行。 |
2091 |
10.1.2 Where the thickness of T-connection web is no greater than 8mm and conforms the following specification, the single-side fillet weld (Figure 10.1.2) may be welded with automatic or semiautomatic submerged arc. |
10.1.2 当T形连接的腹板厚度不大于8mm,并符合下列规定时,可采用自动或半自动埋弧焊接单面角焊缝(图10.1.2)。 |
2092 |
10.1.2 Where this method is adopted, bulk strength grade of existing masonry structure member determined according to site testing result shall not be less than Grade MU7. 5; mortar strength grade shall not be less than M1. |
10.1.2 采用本方法时,原砌体构件按现场检测结果推定的块体强度等级不应低于MU7.5级;砂浆强度等级不应低于M1.0;块体表面与结构胶粘结的正拉粘结强度不应低于1.5MPa。 |
2093 |
10.1.3 Acceptance inspection of uplift piles shall take measures for crack width control of engineering piles. |
10.1.3 抗拔桩的验收检验应采取工程桩裂缝宽度控制的措施。 |
2094 |
10.1.3 For the connection of flange of frame member with end plate or column base plate, in case of flange thickness greater than 12mm, it should adopt the full-penetration butt weld and shall meet the relevant requirements of the current national standard GB/T 985.1 Recommended JointPreparation for Gas Welding, Manual Metal Arc Welding, Gas-shield Arc Welding and Beam Welding and GB/T 985.2 Recommended Joint Preparation for Submerged Arc Welding; Under other conditions, it should adopt fillet weld with equal-strength connection or butt-fillet joint weld and shall meet the requirements of the current national standard GB 50661 Code for Welding of Steel Structures. |
10.1.3 刚架构件的翼缘与端板或柱底板的连接,当翼缘厚度大于12mm时宜采用全熔透对接焊缝,并应符合现行国家标准《气焊、焊条电弧焊、气体保护焊和高能束焊的推荐坡口》GB/T 985.1和《埋弧焊的推荐坡口》GB/T 985.2的相关规定;其他情况宜采用等强连接的角焊缝或角对接组合焊缝,并应符合现行国家标准《钢结构焊接规范》GB 50661的相关规定。 |