ID 原文 译文
2015 10 GB/T 9142 Concrete Mixers 10 《混凝土搅拌机》 GB/T 9142
2016 10 Impact; 10 撞击;
2017 10 In the regions where time-of-use electricity price is implemented with greater difference, energy stored system is suggested to be adopted for cooling and heating if off-peak electricity has the obvious effects of "peak load shifting" and operating cost conservation through technical and economical comparison. 10 在执行分时电价、峰谷电价差较大的地区,经技术经济比较,采用低谷电能够明显起到对电网“削峰填谷”和节省运行费用时,宜采用蓄能系统供冷、供热。
2018 10 Influence of resilience and heaving of subsoil in the excavation on the pile shaft bearing condition and pile bearing capacity shall be considered. 10 应考虑深基坑开挖中,坑底土回弹隆起对桩身受力及桩承载力的影响。
2019 10 Information Facilities System 10 信息设施系统
2020 10 Inspection and Monitoring 10 检验与监测
2021 10 It shall be confirmed that the power supply voltage is consistent with the rated voltage of electric equipment; 10 应确认电源电压同用电设备额定电压一致;
2022 10 JGJ 134 Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone 10 《夏热冬冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准》 JGJ 134
2023 10 JJG 162 Verification Regulation of Cold Water Meter 10 《冷水水表检定规程》JJG 162
2024 10 Lightning Protection and Earthing 10 防雷及接地