ID 原文 译文
183 1 As for the plain round rebar, it shall not be less than 2.5 times the diameter of rebar; 1 光圆钢筋,不应小于钢筋直径的2.5倍;
184 1 As for the plain steel bar, it shall not be less than 2.5 times of diameter of the steel bar; 1 光圆钢筋,不应小于钢筋直径的2.5倍;
185 1 As for the products that have not be carried out with this property proving test before entering into the strengthening market, the samples through evidential sampling shall be sent to the independent testing organization to do the proving test for supplement. 1 对进入加固市场前未做过该性能验证性试验的产品,应将见证抽取的样品送独立检测机构补做验证性试验。
186 1 As for the underground stations and the sections where mechanical and electrical equipments are concentrated, the waterproof grade for the structures shall be Grade one. 1 地下车站、机电设备集中区段的结构防水等级应为一级。
187 1 As for the welding of steel grounding wire, the weld shall be full and anti-corrosive measures shall be taken; 1 钢制接地线的焊接连接应焊缝饱满,并应采取防腐措施;
188 1 As for those specified in the compulsory provisions of this code, all shall be inspected; 1 本规范中强制性条文规定的应全数检查;
189 1 As for walls and columns on the ground floor of basement and those on the first floor of superstructure, the time for curing with forms shall not be less than 3d. After formwork removal, curing may be continued by spraying water, covering, or spraying compounds; 1 地下室底层和上部结构首层柱、墙混凝土带模养护时间,不应少于3d;带模养护结束后,可采用洒水养护方式继续养护,也可采用覆盖养护或喷涂养护剂养护方式继续养护;
190 1 At arranged steps in sidewalk, wheelchair ramp shall be arranged simultaneously; 1 人行道设置台阶处,应同时设置轮椅坡道;
191 1 At least 1 maintenance shall be carried out for water heater annually; 1 水加热器每年至少进行一次维护保养;
192 1 At least 1 representative ice and snow landscape should be selected as a monitoring target for every sector in the scenic area; 1 景区中每个功能分区应至少选择1个具代表性的冰雪景观单体建筑作为监测对象;