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1783 1) The plating on the outer wall of steel pipe shall be in good condition, the pipe mouth shall be even and smooth without deformation; 1)钢管外壁镀层应完好,管口应平整、光滑、无变形;
1784 1) The production process shall be supervised by resident representatives of constructer or supervisor. 1)施工单位或监理单位代表应驻厂监督生产过程。
1785 1) The punching shear capacity of the corner piles on multi-pile rectangular cap shall be calculated according to the following formula (Figure 8.5.19-2): 1) 多桩矩形承台受角桩冲切的承载力应按下列公式计算(图8.5.19-2):
1786 1) The quantity, specification and wiring of all kinds of circuit boards and the installation location of the rack shall be consistent with the construction drawing design document, and all identifications shall be correct and complete; 1)各种电路板数量、规格、接线及机架的安装位置应与施工图设计文件相符且标识齐全正确;
1787 1) The ratio of vertical reinforcement shall be no less than 0.2%, and the reinforcement shall be no less than 8Φ16. Ribbed steel bars shall be used; 1)竖向钢筋配筋率不得小于0.2%,且配筋不得少于8 16,并应采用带肋钢筋;
1788 1) The reason of project quality accident taking place frequently is because of the unstable quality control system. 1)我国工程质量事故频发的根本原因是工程质量控制系统不稳定。
1789 1) The reinforcement length shall be determined through calculation for the piles subjected to horizontal loads and larger bending moments; 2) 桩基承台下存在淤泥、淤泥质土或液化土层时,配筋长度应穿过淤泥、淤泥质土层或液化土层;
1790 1) The seismic anchorage length (laE) of longitudinal load-carrying rebars of seismic grades 1 and 2 shall be calculated according to the following formula: 1) 一、二级抗震等级纵向受力钢筋的抗震锚固长度(laE)应按下式计算:
1791 1) The shape, size and orientation of the reference building shall be the same as the designed building; 1)参照建筑的建筑形状、大小和朝向均应与所设计住宅完全相同;
1792 1) The shear strength of the single-side trumpet-shaped welded joint shall be calculated according to the following formula: 1)单边喇叭形焊缝的抗剪强度可按下式计算: