ID 原文 译文
1673 1) Displacement of axes; 1)轴线位移;
1674 1) During the test, if systematic fault or reliability fault occurring, 24h test shall be done again after equipment has been repaired or replaced; 1)试验期间,如果出现系统性或可靠性故障,应修复或更换后重新开始24h试验;
1675 1) During the test, systematic fault or reliability fault of the clock shall not occur, the time shall be accurate; otherwise, test shall be done again after the clock has been repaired or replaced; 1)试验期间,不得出现时钟系统性或可靠性故障,计时应准确;否则,应修复或更换后重新开始试验;
1676 1) During the test, systematic fault or reliability fault shall not occur, no blind spot shall be available on the display screen; otherwise, the 24h test shall be done again after the equipment has been repaired or replaced; 1)试验期间,不得出现系统性或可靠性故障,显示屏不应出现盲点;否则,应修复或更换后重新开始24h试验;
1677 1) Equilateral tri-pile cap (Figure 8.5.18b). 1)等边三桩承台(图8.5.18b)。
1678 1) Extended part 1)伸臂类区格
1679 1) Fixed action; 1)固定作用;
1680 1) For direction along transmission line: pass through from power side or as uniform direction; 1)顺线路方向,由电源侧穿入或按统一方向穿入;
1681 1) For horizontal direction, pass bolt through from interior to exterior; 1)水平方向由内向外;
1682 1) For large scale snow sculptures and ice buildings, lighting equipment shall not be set at the interfering space or in an area where it may form specular reflection to the eyes; 1)景观照明灯具不应安装在大型冰雪景观建筑照明的干扰区内,且不应对视觉产生镜面反射;