ID 原文 译文
1653 1) Bounded action; 1)有界作用;
1654 1) Brick strength grade; 1)砖强度等级;
1655 1) Buildings with characteristic value of subsoil bearing capacity less than 130kPa, and with complicated shape; 1)地基承载力特征值小于130kPa,且体型复杂的建筑;
1656 1) Calculation chart of the structure shall meet requirements of actual stress and structure; 1)结构的计算图形,应符合其实际受力和构造状况;
1657 1) Center line position of structural column; 1)构造柱中心线位置;
1658 1) Charge conveying pipe shall be arranged at the bottom of steel tube, and equipped with stop valve which can be dismounted when the concrete has final set; 1)应在钢管底部设置进料输送管,进料输送管应设止流阀门,止流阀门可在顶升浇筑的混凝土达到终凝后拆除;
1659 1) Check whether there is adverse geologic actions influencing site stability and assess the hazard degree; 1)有无影响建筑场地稳定性的不良地质作用,评价其危害程度;
1660 1) Civil engineering arrangement plan; 1)土建布置图;
1661 1) Colour temperature of light source: 3, 200K; 1)光源色温3200K;
1662 1) Compressive strength of cast-in-situ concrete or precast reinforced concrete member is represented by cubic test blocks; 1)以立方体试块为代表的现浇混凝土或预制混凝土构件的抗压强度;