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1583 |
1 Where stainless steel wire is adopted, high-quality stainless steel wire with the carbon content no greater than 0.15% as well as sulfur and phosphorus content no greater than 0.025% shall be adopted. |
1 当采用不锈钢丝时,应采用碳含量不大于0.15%及硫、磷含量不大于0.025%的优质不锈钢制丝。 |
1584 |
1 Where the activity space is arranged under woods which should be mainly trees, the clearance below trees shall not be less than 2.20m. |
1 林下铺装活动场地,以种植乔木为主,林下净空不得低于2.20m; |
1585 |
1 Where the base elevation is different, the construction shall be started from low position while the overlap shall be started from high position to low position. |
1 基底标高不同时,应从低处砌起,并应由高处向低处搭接。 |
1586 |
1 Where the effect is unfavorable to structure, the value is calculated according to the following formula: |
1 当其效应对结构不利时,应按下式进行计算: |
1587 |
1 Where the estimated load is less than the uniformly distributed live load or concentrated load of roof specified in the current national standard GB 50009 Load Code for the Design of Building Structures, it shall be adopted according to the code. |
1 当估算的荷载低于现行国家标准《建筑结构荷载规范》GB 50009规定的屋面均布活荷载或集中荷载时,应按该规范采用。 |
1588 |
1 Where the frequency is 0. 15MHz~1, 000MHz, the radio interference field intensity shall not be larger than 126dB. |
1 在频率为0.15MHz~1000MHz时,无线电干扰场强不应大于126dB。 |
1589 |
1 Where the height of air supply is less than or equal to 5m, supply air temperature difference is not suggested to be less than 5℃; |
1 送风高度小于或等于5m时,送风温差不宜小于5℃; |
1590 |
1 Where the luminaires are installed in the locations with dense people passing by, such as sidewalk, and no fence protection is provided, the height from luminaire bottom to the ground shall be more than 2.5m; |
1 在人行道等人员来往密集场所安装的灯具,无围栏防护时灯具底部距地面高度应在2.5m以上; |
1591 |
1 Where the main bar of building structure is used as grounding wire, it shall be welded to the main bar in the foundation and the number of welded shall be determined according to the dimension of main bar diameter and shall not be less than 2 roots of weld; |
1 利用建筑物结构主筋作接地线时,与基础内主筋焊接,根据主筋直径大小确定焊接根数,但不得少于2根; |
1592 |
1 Where the post-buckling strength is utilized for the flexural and compressive web plate of I-shaped section member, the section characteristic shall be calculated in accordance with effective width. |
1 当工字形截面构件腹板受弯及受压板幅利用屈曲后强度时,应按有效宽度计算截面特性。 |