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1533 1 When determining foundation base area and embedment depth according to subsoil bearing capacity or determining pile number according to single pile bearing capacity, the action effect transmitted to foundation base or pilecap shall accord with the characteristic combination of action effects under serviceability limit state, and the corresponding resistance shall adopt characteristic value of subsoil bearing capacity or characteristic value of single pile capacity; 1 按地基承载力确定基础底面积及埋深或按单桩承载力确定桩数时,传至基础或承台底面上的作用效应应按正常使用极限状态下作用的标准组合;相应的抗力应采用地基承载力特征值或单桩承载力特征值;
1534 1 When extruding anchorage of steel strand is finished, the outer end of prestressed tendon stretching out of the extruding sleeve shall not be less than 1mm long; 1 钢绞线挤压锚具挤压完成后,预应力筋外端露出挤压套筒的长度不应小于1mm;
1535 1 When installing the display screen, phenomena such as reflected light and glare shall be avoided; walls and floors should be used material which is uneasy to reflect light; 1 显示器屏幕安装时应避免反射光、眩光等现象;墙壁、地板宜使用不易反光材料;
1536 1 When lighting with three-phase power supply, luminaires reach any point of the field should be supplied from all three phases; 1 照明采用三相供电的场所,宜将照射在同一照明区域的不同灯具分接在不同相序的供电回路上;
1537 1 When local frost penetration is not greater than 500mm, outer insulation method shall be adopted; 1 当地区冻土深度不大于500mm时,应采用外保温做法;
1538 1 When placing with multiple concrete pump pipes, the spacing of concrete pump pipes should not be larger than 10m and the placement should be from far to near; 1 采用多条输送泵管浇筑时,输送泵管间距不宜大于10m,并宜由远及近浇筑;
1539 1 When simply-supported flexural precast members approaching the site, the structural performance inspection shall be carried out and meet the following requirements: 1 梁板类简支受弯预制构件进场时应进行结构性能检验,并应符合下列规定:
1540 1 When tension section length is larger than 300m, traction length passed shall not be over 200mm; 1 耐张段长度大于300m时,过牵引长度不宜超过200mm;
1541 1 When the ambient temperature and relative humidity for coating are not specified in the product instruction, the ambient temperature should be 5℃~38℃ and the relative humidity shall be less than or equal to 85%. The surface temperature of the steel materials shall be 3℃ higher than the dew point temperature, but shall be less than or equal to 40℃. 1 当产品说明书对涂装环境温度和相对湿度未作规定时,环境温度宜为5℃~38℃,相对湿度不应大于85%,钢材表面温度应高于露点温度3℃,且钢材表面温度不应超过40℃;
1542 1 When the ambient temperature is lower than-15℃, tensioning of prestressing tendon should not be carried out; 1 当工程所处环境温度低于-15℃时,不宜进行预应力筋张拉;