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1523 1 When adopting the method of snow accumulation, templates can be used according to the design requirements to form geometries, which are then filled with snow and compacted layer by layer; 1 当采用雪堆积方式时,应采用模板按设计要求制成几何体后,填充堆雪、并分层压实;
1524 1 When alkali-active aggregate are used, the alkali content from admixtures (by equivalent sodium oxide) should not exceed 1.0kg/m 3 and the total alkali content of the concrete shall meet the relevant requirements of current national standard GB 50010 Code for Design of Concrete Structure Design; 1 当使用碱活性骨料时,由外加剂带入的碱含量(以当量氧化钠计)不宜超过1.0kg/m3,混凝土总碱含量尚应符合现行国家标准《混凝土结构设计规范》GB 50010等的有关规定;
1525 1 When arrangement directly over field, floodlights with symmetrical light distribution should be selected, which is applicable to gymnasium with low space and non-televised, as shown in Figure 6.3.2-1. 1 顶部布置宜选用对称型配光的灯具,适用于空间较低,无电视转播要求的体育馆,灯具宜按图6.3.2-1进行布置。
1526 1 When car travels up with no load in upper travel range and travels down with 125% rated load in lower travel range and stops at 3 landing floors respectively, car must brake reliably (shall level with landing doors with condition of up travel with no load). 1 轿厢在行程上部范围空载上行及行程下部范围载有125%额定载重量下行,分别停层3次以上,轿厢必须可靠地制停(空载上行工况应平层)。
1527 1 When casting concrete or mortar, casting and tamping of layers are necessary and provide curing as per regulation for cast-in-situ foundation concrete; 1 浇灌混凝土或砂浆时,应分层浇捣密实,并应按现场浇筑基础混凝土的规定进行养护;
1528 1 When concealed work and middle process acceptance are completed and problems concerned are solved, the final acceptance put into effect. 1 竣工验收在隐蔽工程验收和中间验收全部结束,有关问题已得到处理后实施。
1529 1 When concrete performance index changes or there are other special requirements; 1 当混凝土性能指标有变化或有其他特殊要求时;
1530 1 When conducting every time reconfiguration or parameter modification, the change plan shall be filled in; after reconfiguration or parameter modification, corresponding records shall be updated; 1 每次重新配置或进行参数修改时,应填写变更计划;重新配置或进行参数修改后,应更新相应的记录;
1531 1 When cutting conductor aluminum strand, steel core mustn't be damaged; 1 切割导线铝股时严禁伤及钢芯;
1532 1 When debugging with power on, knobs of all equipment shall be adjusted to the minimum position, and the machine shall be started with power on step by step in accordance with the order from preceding stage to backward stage; 1 通电调试时,应先将所有设备的旋钮旋到最小位置,并应按由前级到后级的次序,逐级通电开机;