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1473 1 Under serviceability limit state, the design value of action effects of the characteristic combination Sk shall be determined according to the following formula: 1 正常使用极限状态下,标准组合的效应设计值Sk应按下式确定:
1474 1 Under the action of axial vertical force: 1 轴心竖向力作用下:
1475 1 Under the combined action of shear force V and bending moment M, the flexural member with I-shaped section shall meet the requirements of the following formulas: 1 工字形截面受弯构件在剪力V和弯矩M共同作用下的强度,应满足下列公式要求:
1476 1 Under the load condition of rated passenger capacity, trains shall be able to maintain operating to the terminal where 1/4 of the motive power is lost. 1 在定员载荷工况下,当列车丧失1/4动力时,应能维持运行到终点。
1477 1 Under the premise of ensuring normal operation of equipment, rooms are suggested to be ventilated to eliminate residual heat. 1 在保证设备正常工作前提下,宜采用通风消除室内余热。
1478 1 Under the presiding of technical director, the project department shall establish construction technical clarificaiton system that is adaptable to this project; 1 在技术负责人的主持下,项目部应建立适应本工程的施工技术交底制度;
1479 1 Unfolded bonded prestressing tendons shall be smooth, free from bends. There shall be no crack, spinule, mechanical damage, iron scale and oil stain on the surface; 1 有粘结预应力筋展开后应平顺,不应有弯折,表面不应有裂纹、小刺、机械损伤、氧化铁皮和油污等;
1480 1 Uniformly distributed ash loads listed in the Table are applicable only for roofs with the slope α≤25°; when α≥45°, the ash load may be ignored; linear interpolation may be used for the value of 25° < α<45°. 1 表中的积灰均布荷载,仅应用于屋面坡度α不大于25°;当α大于45°时,可不考虑积灰荷载;当α在25°~45°范围内时,可按插值法取值;
1481 1 Unless otherwise indicated, the indexes in the above table are all measured at the test temperature of (23±0.5) ℃; 1 表中的指标,除已注明外,均是在(23±0.5)℃试验温度条件下测定;
1482 1 Unless otherwise stated by the design, common brick and cement mortar shall be adopted for masonry and the masonry shall be tight; 1 当设计无要求时,应采用普通砖和水泥砂浆砌筑,并砌筑严实;