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1423 |
1 The water temperature of the distribution point of the concentrated domestic hot water system shall not be less than 45℃; |
1 集中生活热水系统配水点的供水水温不应低于45℃; |
1424 |
1 The wedge snow arch is for an arched portal. When the height of the snow arch is over 550mm, it shall be built into two layers and the height of the wedgy snow arch is the sum of the two layers of wedge snow blocks; |
1 表中楔形雪体碹为圆弧形拱洞口,当雪体碹高度大于550mm时,分两层砌筑,其高度为两层楔形雪体碹块的高度之和; |
1425 |
1 The wedged ice arch is an arched portal. When the height of the ice arch is over 550mm, it shall be laid in two layers and the height of it is the sum of the two layers of wedged ice blocks; |
1 表中楔形冰碹为圆弧形拱洞口,当冰碹高度大于550mm时,分两层砌筑,其高度为两层楔形碹块的高度之和; |
1426 |
1 The weld quality grade shall meet the requirements of the current national standard GB 50205 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures. |
1 焊缝质量等级应符合现行国家标准《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》GB 50205的规定。 |
1427 |
1 The welders engaging in welding of steel reinforcements shall possess the reinforcement welder qualification test certificates and operate according to the scope specified in the certificates. |
1 从事钢筋焊接施工的焊工应持有钢筋焊工考试合格证,并应按照合格证规定的范围上岗操作。 |
1428 |
1 The wheelchair rampway and railing shall be arranged simultaneously if the steps are arranged at the entrance; |
1 建筑入口设台阶时,应同时设置轮椅坡道和扶手; |
1429 |
1 The width of cap shall not be less than 500mm. |
1 承台的宽度不应小于500mm。 |
1430 |
1 The width of road with two lanes shall not be less than 6m; the width of road access to buildings shall not be less than 2.5m; |
1 双车道道路的路面宽度不应小于6m;宅前路的路面宽度不应小于2.5m; |
1431 |
1 The wire cable of fire alarm and control system shall be laid by means of bridge and dedicated wire pipe; |
1 火灾自动报警系统的线缆应使用桥架和专用线管敷设; |
1432 |
1 The wire cable shall be laid naturally, straightly and evenly and shall not suffer extrusion and any damage from external force; |
1 线缆布放应自然平直,不应受外力挤压和损伤; |