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1373 1 The tensile strength of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) shall be measured according to the current national standard GB/T 3354 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Oriented Fiber Reinforced Plastics, however, the quantity of specimens for the repeat test shall not be less than 15, and the mean value of test results, the standard deviation and coefficient of variation still shall be calculated so as to determine the strength standard; 1 纤维复合材抗拉强度应按现行国家标准《定向纤维增强塑料拉伸性能试验方法》GB/T 3354测定,但其复验的试件数量不得少于15个,且应计算其试验结果的平均值、标准差和变异系数,供确定其强度标准值使用;
1374 1 The tension force shall be ensured being applied synchronously and uniformly; 1 应保证张拉施力同步、应力均匀一致;
1375 1 The tensioning sequence shall be determined according to such factors as load-carrying characteristics of structures, convenience for construction and safety in operation; 1 应根据结构受力特点、施工方便及操作安全等因素确定张拉顺序;
1376 1 The terminal box and module box should be arranged in the weak-current room and be fixed on the wall according to the design height; the terminal box and module box shall be installed upright and firmly; 1 端子箱和模块箱宜设置在弱电间内,应根据设计高度固定在墙壁上,安装时应端正牢固;
1377 1 The terminal lug used for concealed installation shall be in accordance with the requirements of the design documents; 1 用于暗装的终端盒应符合设计文件要求;
1378 1 The terraces of residential land shall be connected with revetment or retaining wall. When the height difference between terraces is greater than 1.5m, the safety facilities shall be added on the retaining wall or the top surface of the revetment of which the slope gradient is greater than 0.5; 1 台阶式用地的台阶之间应用护坡或挡土墙连接,相邻台地间高差大于1.5m时,应在挡土墙或坡比值大于0.5的护坡顶面加设安全防护设施;
1379 1 The test points shall be arranged at the main operator position of 1.2m~1.5m away from the ground; 1 测点应在主要操作员的位置上距地面1.2m~1.5m布置;
1380 1 The test points shall be arranged with a spacing of 2m~4m and shall be kept a distance of 1m to wall surface and 0.8m to the ground; 1 测点应按2m~4m间距布置,并应距墙面1m、距地面0.8m;
1381 1 The test shall be carry out by at least two independent organizations; 1 试验应由不少于两个研究单位完成;
1382 1 The test stage, test content and method and performance index of the telephone switching system and communication access system shall meet the requirements of the current professional standard YD 5077 Accepting Specifications for SPC Exchange Installation Engineering; 1 电话交换系统和通信接入系统的检测阶段、检测内容、检测方法及性能指标要求应符合现行行业标准《程控电话交换设备安装工程验收规范》YD 5077等国家现行标准的要求;