ID 原文 译文
1343 1 The strength grade of the strengthening cement mortar of the compression structure member shall be greater than or equal to M15; the strength grade of the strengthening cement mortar for shear structure member shall be greater than or equal to M10. 1 加固受压构件用的水泥砂浆,其强度等级不应低于M15;加固受剪构件用的水泥砂浆,其强度等级不应低于M10。
1344 1 The strongly-weathered and completely-weathered rock may be valued by reference to the corresponding soil type formed by weathering, and the rock in other states may not be corrected; 1 强风化和全风化的岩石,可参照所风化成的相应土类取值,其他状态下的岩石不修正;
1345 1 The structural adhesive anchor bar should be selected; chemical anchor bolt or reinforced concrete pin key may also be selected. 1 宜选用结构胶锚筋,亦可选用化学锚栓或钢筋混凝土销键。
1346 1 The structural limit state equation is available; 1 具有结构的极限状态方程;
1347 1 The structure and installation position of grounding device shall be inspected; 1 应检验接地装置的结构和安装位置;
1348 1 The structure strengthening design organization shall have a technical disclosure to the construction organization according to the examined and approved construction drawing; the construction organization shall prepare the construction organization design and construction technical scheme based on the construction drawing and shall organize the implementation of the design and scheme after they are examined and approved; 1 结构加固设计单位应按审查批准的施工图,向施工单位进行技术交底;施工单位应据以编制施工组织设计和施工技术方案,经审查批准后组织实施;
1349 1 The substrate surface temperature shall meet those specified in the manufacturer's instruction on adhesive. If it is not specified, it shall be controlled at temperature greater than or equal to 15℃; 1 基材表面温度应符合胶粘剂使用说明书要求;若未标明温度要求,应按不低于15℃进行控制;
1350 1 The subsystems shall be inspected and debugged according to the system design requirements and the technical instruction of relevant equipment; each subsystem shall work normally; 1 按系统设计要求和相关设备的技术说明书,对各子系统进行检查和调试,各子系统应工作正常;
1351 1 The suitable temperature for natural ice collection is below-10℃. 1 天然冰采制的环境温度宜在-10℃以下。
1352 1 The supervision engineer (technical leader of project of the client) shall organize the quality (technical) leader, etc.of the contractor for the signaling discipline to carry out the acceptance for inspection lot and subdivisional works. 1 检验批及分项工程应由监理工程师(建设单位项目技术负责人)组织信号专业施工单位质量(技术)负责人等进行验收。