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1333 1 The steel beam bearing impact and vibration loads; 1 承受冲击、振动荷载的钢梁;
1334 1 The steel tie rod is embedded into the ring beam, the embedment length is 30d (d is the diameter of steel tie rod) and hook shall be made at the end. 1 钢拉杆埋入圈梁,埋入长度为30d(d为钢拉杆直径),端头应做弯钩。
1335 1 The steel-steel shear strength under tension shall be measured according to the current national standard GB/T 7124 Adhesives-Determination of Tensile Lap-shear Strength of Rigid-to-rigid Bonded Assemblies, however, the steel test piece shall be carried out with blasting treatment. 1 钢-钢拉伸抗剪强度应按现行国家标准《胶粘剂 拉伸剪切强度的测定(刚性材料对刚性材料)》GB/T 7124测定,但钢试片应经喷砂处理。
1336 1 The stirrup diameter shall not be less than 25% of the largest diameter of the lapped bars; 1 箍筋直径不应小于搭接钢筋较大直径的1/4;
1337 1 The storage place shall be flat and solid and provided with satisfactory drainage measures; 1 场地应平整、坚实,并应采取良好的排水措施;
1338 1 The storey numbers and total height of the multi-storey masonry building, the storey height of the load-bearing buildings, the maximum ratio of the total height to the total width, the minimum thickness and spacing of the seismic wall as well as the local dimension limit of wall segment shall be determined by the inherent characteristics of the masonry unit; 1 应根据块体材料的固有特性,确定多层砌体房屋的层数、总高度、承重房屋的层高、总高度和总宽度的最大比值、最小抗震墙厚度和抗震墙间距及墙段局部尺寸的限值;
1339 1 The storey numbers shall be calculated as the natural storeys if the storey height of all the storeys is not greater than 3.00m; 1 当住宅楼的所有楼层的层高不大于3.00m时,层数应按自然层数计;
1340 1 The strength and shrinkage performance of concrete or mortar at connection of precast members shall meet the design requirements. 1 构件连接处现浇混凝土或砂浆的强度及收缩性能应满足设计要求。
1341 1 The strength grade of fired common brick, fired perforated brick, autoclaved sand-lime brick, and autoclaved fly-ash-lime brick shall not be lower than MU10; 1 烧结普通砖、烧结多孔砖、蒸压灰砂砖、蒸压粉煤灰砖的强度等级不应低于MU10;
1342 1 The strength grade of grout shall be greater than or equal to 1.5 times that of the masonry unit; 1 强度等级不应小于块材强度等级的1.5倍;