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1323 1 The specification and type of bridge, wire pipe and wire cable shall meet the design requirements and shall be provided with the product qualification certificates and test reports. 1 桥架、线管、线缆规格和型号应符合设计要求,并应有产品合格证、检测报告。
1324 1 The specification, model, quantity of equipment shall meet the design requirements, the product shall be accompanied with quality certificate and be marked with "CCC" (China Compulsory Product Certification); 1 设备规格、型号、数量应符合设计要求,产品应有合格证及国家强制产品认证“CCC”标识;
1325 1 The specifications of steel tubes and couplers used for the erection of supports shall meet the design requirements; longitudinal spacing of upright tubes, transverse spacing of upright tubes, lift height of supports and detailing requirements shall meet the requirements of the special construction schemes. 1 模板支架搭设所采用的钢管、扣件规格,应符合设计要求;立杆纵距、立杆横距、支架步距以及构造要求,应符合专项施工方案的要求。
1326 1 The splice joint of flange and web plate for welded crane runway beam should be performed in full penetration groove butt weld with arc ending plate and polished smoothly after the arc ending plate being cut off. 1 焊接吊车梁的翼缘板与腹板的拼接焊缝宜采用加引弧板的熔透对接焊缝,引弧板割去处应予打磨平整。
1327 1 The splices set in the same member should be staggered in batches. 1 同一构件内的接头宜分批错开。
1328 1 The splices set in the same member should be staggered in batches. Transverse clearance (s) of each splice shall not be less than the diameter of steel reinforcement or 25mm. 1 同一构件内的接头宜分批错开。各接头的横向净间距s不应小于钢筋直径,且不应小于25mm。
1329 1 The spring pin on single/double suspending string shall pass through from direction of power supply side to power receiving side. 1 单双悬垂串上的弹簧销子一律由电源侧向受电侧穿入。
1330 1 The standard value of tensile strength, elastic modulus and ultimate elongation of the fiber reinforced polymer (FRP); 1 纤维复合材的抗拉强度标准值、弹性模量和极限伸长率;
1331 1 The start/stop control, operation state, fault alarm and liquid level of the water supply and drainage equipment shall be able to be controlled and monitored remotely through the workstation and be recorded; 1 通过工作站应能远程监控启停控制、运行状态、故障报警及液位等给排水设备,并应作记录;
1332 1 The static calculation diagram of the masonry building shall be determined according to the spacing of transverse (longitudinal) wall and the floor (roof) type; 1 应根据房屋横(纵)墙间距及楼(屋)盖类别确定砌体房屋的静力计算方案与计算简图;