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1113 1 The illuminance standard value of painting and sculpture exhibition hall does not include the display lighting; 1绘画、雕塑展厅的照明标准值中不含展品陈列照明;
1114 1 The image quality of the video intercom system shall meet the relevant requirements of the current professional standard GA/T 269 Black-white Video Doorphone System; the sound shall be clear and the sound level shall not be less than 80dB; 1 可视对讲系统的图像质量应符合现行行业标准《黑白可视对讲系统》GA/T 269的相关要求,声音清楚、声级应不低于80dB;
1115 1 The image resolution and image frame rate shall meet the relevant standards of China; 1 图像清晰度、图像帧速率应符合国家相关标准;
1116 1 The indication of man-machine interfaces at the consoles shall be accurate and clear. 1 驾驶台人机界面应显示准确、清晰。
1117 1 The indoor design temperature of the bedroom and living room should be 26℃; 1 卧室、起居室室内设计温度宜为26℃;
1118 1 The influences of the material temperature, ambient temperature, concrete transportation mode and duration on such performance indexes as the concrete initial setting time, slump loss shall be analyzed and the mix proportioning shall be adjusted in accordance with the ambient temperature, humidity, wind force and the actual conditions of temperature control measures taken; 1 应分析原材料温度、环境温度、混凝土运输方式与时间对混凝土初凝时间、坍落度损失等性能指标的影响,根据环境温度、湿度、风力和采取温控措施的实际情况,对混凝土配合比进行调整;
1119 1 The inserted depth of columns may be selected according to Table 8.2.4-1, and shall meet the requirements of rebar anchorage length in Article 8.2.2 of this code, as well as, the stability of columns during hoisting. 1 柱的插入深度,可按表8.2.4-1选用,并应满足本规范第8.2.2条钢筋锚固长度的要求及吊装时柱的稳定性。
1120 1 The inside and outside of the structural components of signaling mechanism and train departure indicator shall be coated with black ready-mixed paint. 1 信号机构及发车指示器结构部件的内、外均应涂黑色调和漆。
1121 1 The inspection frequency, time, method and participants shall be determined according to the quality control requirements. 1 检查的频率、时间、方法和参加检查的人员,应根据质量控制的需要确定。
1122 1 The inspection lot of reworked or replaced equipment shall be subject to acceptance again. 1 经返工重做或更换设备的检验批,应重新进行验收。