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1063 1 The equivalent uniformly distributed live loads on floors, including the live loads on floors for the calculation of secondary beam, main beam and foundation, may be determined according to the stipulations in Appendix C of this Code. 1 楼面等效均布活荷载,包括计算次梁、主梁和基础时的楼面活荷载,可分别按本规范附录C的规定确定;
1064 1 The erecting tools shall be complete and in good condition, and the electric tools shall be carried with insulation inspection; 1 安装工具齐备、完好,电动工具应进行绝缘检查;
1065 1 The exhaust emission of the vehicle and mechanical equipment’s passing in and out of the site shall meet the national annual inspection requirements. 1 进出场车辆及机械设备废气排放应符合国家年检要求。
1066 1 The fabrication dimension of the mounting bracket of distribution cabinet and box shall match with the dimension of the distribution cabinet and box; the mounting bracket shall be installed firmly and grounded reliably; 1 配电柜和配电箱安装支架的制作尺寸应与配电柜和配电箱的尺寸匹配,安装应牢固,并应可靠接地;
1067 1 The fabrics shall be tailored according to the design size and folding is e strictly prohibited; if the original fabric has folding marks, the fabric with folding mark shall be cut; 1 按设计尺寸裁剪纤维织物,且严禁折叠;若纤维织物原件已有折痕,应裁去有拆痕一段织物;
1068 1 The filling content of gravel soil in this table is hard or stiff plastic cohesive soil; 1 表中碎石土的充填物为坚硬或硬塑状态的黏性土;
1069 1 The final general layout plans, the as-built drawings of individual architectures, structures, services, supporting facilities and underground pipelines, and the relevant acceptance inspection documents; 1 竣工总平面图,单体建筑、结构、设备竣工图,配套设施和地下管网工程竣工图,以及相关的其他竣工验收资料;
1070 1 The fixation method of cabinets (racks) shall meet the design requirements. 1 机柜(架)固定方式应符合设计要求。
1071 1 The flat arch entrance of an ice masonry shall not be wider than 3m. The section steel lintel shall be selected based on Table 4.4.17-1. 1 冰砌平拱洞口宽度不得大于3m,并应按表4.4.17-1选用型钢过梁。
1072 1 The following expression shall comply with for the reliability index of the designed structure or structural member: 1 所设计结构或结构结构构件的可靠指标应满足下式要求: