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106900 |
如果将阿兰布拉宫与寒冷、潮湿的…… |
106904 |
菲尔柴尔德-拉格尔斯(FAIRCHILD-RUGGLES): Forbidding both on the inside and the outside, the tower seems to have done its job. |
优素福在位时,没有人敢进攻阿兰布拉宫。 |
106905 |
菲尔柴尔德-拉格尔斯(FAIRCHILD-RUGGLES): Here is the crown jewel of the Alhambra, built according to a set of rectangles, each related to the other. |
这里是阿兰布拉宫王冠上的宝石,建立在一组矩形上,每个矩形彼此相连。 |
106906 |
菲尔柴尔德-拉格尔斯(FAIRCHILD-RUGGLES): Hispano-Muslim architects used a unit of measurement inherited from classical architecture called the rashshashid codo. |
西班牙的穆斯林(Hispano-Muslim)建筑师们使用的测量单位是从古典建筑中继承的,叫做腕尺。 |
106907 |
菲尔柴尔德-拉格尔斯(FAIRCHILD-RUGGLES): The gardens had a practical function as well. |
花园也有实用的功能。 |
106908 |
菲尔柴尔德-拉格尔斯(FAIRCHILD-RUGGLES): The painters used exotic pigments, among them, blue lazurite extracted from lapis lazuli in Afghanistan, which cost as much as gold. |
画家们使用了异国的颜料,其中,蓝色琉璃取自阿富汗的天青石,其价值等同于黄金。 |
106909 |
菲尔柴尔德-拉格尔斯(FAIRCHILD-RUGGLES): This was to prove the high point for the Muslim kingdom of Granada, Because a century after Mohammed and Pedro’s artistic alliance, a different kind of partnership would signal the Alhambra’s downfall. |
这预示着穆斯林格拉纳达王国的鼎盛时期,因为在穆罕默德和佩德罗结成艺术联盟一个世纪后,另一个不同的伙伴关系发出阿兰布拉宫衰落的信号。 |
106910 |
真实的、庞大的、神秘莫测的帝国。 |
106913 |
China's Oldest Wooden Structure |
中国最古老的木构建筑 |
106915 |
马尔皮卡(MALPICA): Don Antonio Malpica has studied the landscape of the Alhambra in-depth. |
唐安东尼奥·马尔皮卡(Don Antonio Malpica)对阿兰布拉宫的景观做了深入研究。 |