ID 原文 译文
106842 〔C〕Multi-storied Timber Structures 〔3〕多层木构建筑
106843 〔C〕Sculpture of the Sui and T'ang Dynasties 衣褶简单,直上直下。
106844 〔C〕The Third Stage: the Glorious Tang Dynasty, 7th to 9th Century 〔3〕第三阶段:盛唐时期(公元7世纪至9世纪)
106845 〔D〕Smaller Cities and Towns For thousands of years, a city, regardless of its size, was seldom built without a wall. 中国数千年来,凡是城市,不论大小如何几乎都筑墙而建。
106846 〔D〕Yüan Painting The comparatively short Yüan period had a number of great painters. 年代较短的元朝有很多大画家。
106847 〔E〕Ming and Ts'ing Dynasties The Ming Dynasty, relatively recent, has left us many paintings. 明代离我们不远,留下较多的画作。
106849 〔E〕Yüan, Ming, and Ts'ing Sculpture 〔5〕元、明、清雕塑
106850 〔F〕Bridges The building of bridges is an ancient art in China. 造桥在中国是一种古老的技艺。
106851 〔F〕The Sixth Stage of People's China, People's Architecture 〔6〕第六阶段:人民的中国,人民的建筑
106852 二、Varieties and Practical Nature of the Ancient Bridges in Beijing 二、北京古桥的种类与实用性质