ID 原文 译文
106702 provide demonstrable evidence of top management support. 提供最高管理者支持的明确的证明。
106703 Being struck by falling tools, work materials, or debris; and 被坠落的工具、材料或碎片等击中;
106704 Budget estimate for financing 为资金筹措编制的预算性估算;
106705 Budgeted cost after contracting but prior to construction 签订合同后,施工前的成本预算;
106706 Cobbles or portion of the coarse aggregate, however may be added last. 而卵石或部分粗骨料可以最后加入。
106707 Collapse of the scaffold, caused by instability or overloading; 由于结构不稳定或超载引起的脚手架倒塌;
106708 Combination of friction and cohesion piles. 摩擦、黏聚力复合桩。
106709 Complexity of projects using high grade materials. 高质量标准;◆ 保证工期的重要程度;
106710 Composite piles. Timber piles. 复合桩。
106711 Concrete; 混凝土桩;