ID 原文 译文
106672 …you cannot comprehend. You actually cannot understand… 是你不能理解的。
106673 …you didn't use local materials necessarily, you went to wherever people had the expertise to do this. …你不必使用本地材料,而是可以到能专业制造这些东西的地方去找。
106674 …you have several months supply to sustain the… …你就知道这些储量足够为庞大的人群提供…
106675 …zooming down the channel carrying all the bits and pieces… 麦坎(MCCANN): 从渠道快速流下,携带了各种零碎的东西……
106676 …… Symmetry abolished, to serve as fodder for the winds ……
106677 ……This is the heart of the Alhambra. ……他首先在这里修建城堡的主要原因是为了奈斯尔宫殿。
106678 Indoor Air Quality 室内空气品质
106679 Land Saving and Land Utilization 节地与土地利用
106680 Safety 安全
106681 Site Ecology and Landscape 场地生态与景观