ID 原文 译文
106662 …very, very similar at that time period, when the Greco-Roman culture was a very dominant culture. …那时情况跟现在非常相似,因为当时的主流文化是希腊罗马文化。
106663 …wants their workmen to be standing idle on… ANDREW LACEY (CONT’D V/O): 都不希望工人因建材未到…
106664 …was thus a natural choice. NARRATOR (V/O): 自然也就成了不二人选。
106665 …what the spatial dimensions are. ……它的空间维度。
106666 …when the failure took place, um, but it’s not typical of Inca construction, so there was some other factor at work, and it is entirely possible that they were under some pressure to complete that part of the project, and they just decided to cut a corner in that case. 这种失误会发生,可见这不是典型的印加建筑。因此一定是有其它原因作祟,很可能是因为当时他们在某种压迫下完成的这项工程,而他们只是为了走捷径。
106667 …which gave him the low profile on the outside, and a long span so that you could barely… 使屋顶的外形十分不起眼,而由于跨度如此之大…詹姆斯·坎贝尔:
106668 …which gives St. Paul’s its grandeur. It’s… 赋予圣保罗大教堂以庄严。
106669 …which is, there is no conqueror but God, and you see that repeated over, and over, and over again. 菲尔柴尔德-拉格尔斯(FAIRCHILD-RUGGLES): 你看这句话被一遍又一遍的重复着。
106670 …world, and they devised a series of beautiful panels, which include cornucopia, bursting pea pods, of heads of corn, in order to represent the beauty of the natural… 利奥·霍利斯:他们设计了一系列美丽的镶板,里面刻有羊角、绽开的豆荚,一根根玉米,来展现自然界的美景…
106671 …would have been, in themselves, elaborate constructions of--of wooden supports. 就得是,他们本身就是,非常复杂的…木质支撑结构。