ID 原文 译文
106622 …site, and you can’t do that with the Great Model design. 安德鲁·莱西:但照大模型的设计,就不能这么做。
106623 …six and a half feet high, two meters high, and there’s something like 27… 六英尺半高,也就是两米高,而这大概有27组…朱利安·班尼特
106624 …so how do you resolve that problem of allowing this church to be built to stand up. …那么怎样解决让教堂建起后不会倒塌的问题。
106625 …so what you basically have would be a, uh, continuous water supply throughout the year. 查尔斯·奥特洛夫基本上,你可以一整年获得连续不断的供水。
106626 …space, and at the same time a productive space, is fundamental. 马尔皮卡(MALPICA): 休闲的场所,同时又是一个能生产出产品的地方。
106627 …start punching holes in buttresses, you're going to weaken them. …开始在扶墙上凿洞,就削弱了它们。
106628 …stone palaces of Europe, it's just another world entirely. 菲尔柴尔德-拉格尔斯(FAIRCHILD-RUGGLES): 欧洲石头宫殿相比,它完全是另一个世界。
106629 …stone than we will ever dream of knowing. 石头的了解,让我们望尘莫及。
106630 …stones here, this is what the whole place looked like when the Incas first came. NARRATOR (V/O): 石头,这就是印加人第一次来到这里时的场景。
106631 …survives then somehow Britain will survive. NARRATOR (V/O): 能够平安无事,英国也将度过这一难关。