ID 原文 译文
106611 …on top of a mountain ridge. NARRATOR (V/O): 建在这座山脊之上。
106612 …one possible explanation is that they couldn’t find columns large enough for the upper level of the church. …一个可能的解释是,他们找不到足够大的柱子 用于教堂的上层。
106614 …piers, pushing them out of alignment. 穹顶的推力使柱子偏离了直线。
106615 …premier carver, perhaps the greatest carver in British history. NARRATOR (V/O): 最重要的雕刻家,或许也是英国历史上最伟大的雕刻家。
106616 …problem for Wren, because they were in essence Gothic, and if he was to design a cathedral where they could be seen on the outside, the building would not look classical… 因为飞扶壁本质上是哥特式设计。如果他设计的大教堂,从外部看得见飞扶壁,那么古典风格就会荡然无存…
106617 …producing extraordinary results. 取得了令人瞩目的成果。
106618 …project to move forward. NARRATOR (V/O): 才能使工程项目向前推进。
106619 …rock-cut we started from the top to bottom. NARRATOR (V/O): 岩刻建筑,他们却是从上而下建造。
106620 …see their new cathedral, or part of their new cathedral, because most of it’s still a building site. NARRATOR (V/O): 来亲眼看看全新的大教堂,或者说是大教堂的一部分,因为大多地方还是一片工地。
106621 …seems to have been, all along, the most typical type of Nabataean façade 看起来已经成为那巴泰人最典型的建筑外观风格。