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106510 …and you ram away… 把它夯实…
106511 …are relatively fragile… 相对来说很脆弱…
106512 …are what you can see here, behind us… …正如你所见,在我们身后…
106513 …around the time of Jesus Christ, where there were no more pharaohs. NARRATOR (V/O): 大约是耶稣基督的时代,那时候已经没有法老存在了。
106514 …as a sort of Alexander the Great of the Andes. NARRATOR (V/O): 就像安第斯山脉的亚历山大大帝。
106515 …as far as we know, of the great facades which are full of images derived from other nations. 妮可·杜埃克卡兹尼宫殿是第一个利用源自不同国家的图像来装饰它的美丽外墙的。
106516 …as perhaps his greatest work. 应该是象征着他的杰作。
106518 …be very aware if Christian raiding parties were coming in towards Granada… 知道基督教的突袭部队是不是在向格拉纳达进犯……
106519 …because it has influences of both Islamic and Christian architecture at the same time. 奥里维拉(ORIHUELA): 因为它同时影响了伊斯兰和基督教两种建筑。
106520 …because it means that the building that we consider the high point of Islamic architecture in Spain owes a debt to a Christian palace in Seville. 菲尔柴尔德-拉格尔斯(FAIRCHILD-RUGGLES): 因为这意味着,我们认为西班牙最好的伊斯兰建筑要归功于塞维尔的基督殿堂。