ID 原文 译文
106490 …and he held his court here for two or three months during the winter. NARRATOR (V/O): 冬季的时候,他有两到三个月要在这里处理国事。
106491 …and her studies indicate that this clay would have come from Rhodes. …她的研究显示,这些粘土有可能来自罗得岛。
106492 …and if you pressurize them it will blow the joints apart. NARRATOR (V/O): 对它们施加压力,就会把接口挤破。
106493 …and just seeing the tops of plants and shrubs and trees. 本尼森(BENNISON): 刚好看到植物、灌木和树的顶部。
106494 …and masonry buildings are able to absorb a great deal of cracking and warping. 而砖石建筑能在很大程度上缓冲断裂和变形。
106495 …and probably several agendas, in writing about… 也可能是几个记事本,记录的是…卡洛琳·古德森
106496 …and put pendentives in it, change it into a circular structure. …放入了帆拱,从而把矩形结构变成了圆形结构。
106497 …and so a lot of people tried to avoid this particular problem by not having any images of holy figures whatsoever. …因此许多人为了尽量避免这一问题,就不挂任何宗教人物的画像。
106498 …and that was mathematical beauty. …那就是数学之美。
106499 …and the citizens would meet. 也会在这里见面。