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106480 |
…a system which doesn't generate significant internal pressures, and one such system is a constant grade system, where the water comes down steadily from end to end. |
埃德·麦卡恩来避免产生明显的内部压力,其中一套体系就是制造平稳的梯度,使得水流能够均匀地往低的一端流动。 |
106481 |
…actually busted a huge block of stone out of the front… |
彼得·弗罗斯特:其实开凿了一块巨石的前部, |
106482 |
…air flows over the top of the roof like air flowing over the top of a wing of an aircraft, and it gives it lift underneath, and it can just lift the roof straight off. |
……风吹过屋顶就像风吹过飞机的机翼一样,会从下面把它抬起来,可以瞬间把屋顶掀起。 |
106483 |
…all of a sudden it sort of materializes, you know, this patch of light suddenly comes alive, you know, and there-- and there it is, perfectly divided by that cut in the stones. |
…突然间,它真的出现了,照在平台上个光线出现了,它就在那里,刚好被石头上的刻痕分开。 |
106484 |
…alliances of people in Constantinople, and they were political parties that fought one against the other, but also in the sixth century against the Emperor. |
君士但丁堡的各个阶层。这些赛车党也是互相攻击的政治党派,而在六世纪,它们开始联手反抗皇帝。 |
106485 |
…an extraordinary civilization. |
他们是…妮可·杜埃克 |
106486 |
…and Wren, thought of as one of the leading mathematicians of the age… |
雷恩(Wren)是当时公认的一流数学家。 |
106487 |
…and after successive attempts perhaps by neighbouring cultures, eventually it was taken over. |
…在连续不断的尝试后,也许受相邻文化的影响,最终被传承下去。 |
106488 |
…and also so that they could have a fairly heavily fortified, ring of defences. 本尼森(BENNISON): |
这个小堡垒组成的瞭望网络叫做阿塔拉亚斯,是庞大的情报搜集体系的组成部分。 |
106489 |
…and comes to an area where it’s wide and deep and the water slows right down, and there silt and sand… 麦坎(MCCANN): |
流到这个又宽又深的区域,水流速减慢,淤泥和沙子…… |