ID 原文 译文
106381 Advancing the digital economy and the sharing economy through developing intelligent transport. China fosters a new transport system by promoting coordinated innovation in business models and forms, products, and services, and improving the efficiency of comprehensive transport networks. ——以智慧交通建设推进数字经济、共享型经济产业发展,推动模式、业态、产品、服务等联动创新,提高综合交通运输网络效率,构筑新型交通生态系统。
106382 Benefit for all. China should guarantee equitable and efficient access to basic public services in urban and rural areas, and ensure that transport development is sustainable and beneficial to all. 统筹公平和效率,坚持普惠性、保基本、均等化、可持续方向,大力推进城乡基本公共服务均等化,保障城乡居民行有所乘,让人民共享交通发展成果。
106383 Building a modern comprehensive transport system that is safe, convenient, efficient, green and economical. ——建设安全、便捷、高效、绿色、经济的现代化综合交通运输体系。
106384 Future-oriented planning. ——能力上适度超前。
106385 Improving the business environment. ——优化营商环境。
106386 Increasing the durability of the transport system through upgrading infrastructure construction and maintenance technologies. China strengthens the disaster-resistance, early warning and monitoring capacity of its transport infrastructure, and improves its engineering technologies for high-speed rail, expressways, mega bridges and tunnels, deep-water ports, large airports and other projects. ——以基础设施建养技术迭代升级增强交通运输系统韧性,增强交通基础设施抵御灾害与预警监测能力,提升高速铁路、高速公路、特大桥隧、深水筑港、大型机场工程等建造技术水平。
106387 People-centered development. ——人民交通让人民满意。
106388 Priority in planning. ——措施上优先部署。
106389 Public participation. ——人民交通靠人民。
106390 Pursuing high-standard opening up. ——坚持高水平开放。