ID 原文 译文
106370 who seemed to choose otherwise . . 我们都无从选择……
106371 whoever intends to dismantle or leave idle such facilities must report the matter in advance to the competent administrative department for environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level for approval. 拆除或者闲置环境噪声污染防治设施的, 必须事先报经所在地的县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门批准。
106372 within the very body of the plastic event, everything forms a whole: sculpture, painting, architecture; volumes (spheres, cones, cylinders etc.) and polychromy, in other words, materials, quantities, specific consistencies, assembled into relationships that arouse our emotions". 就在这个造型作用的实体中,每个部分都自成一体:雕塑、绘画、建筑;体量(球形、锥形、柱形等等)、彩绘。换句话说,材料、数量、特定的联系组合成为唤起我们心绪的相互关系。”
106373 writes Jean Bourdeillette in a line that encloses infinity. 这是让o布尔代耶特(Jean Bourdeillette)写下的充满无限遐想的诗句。
106375 wrote Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, recalling her native Flanders (Un ruisseau de la Scarpe). 马塞利娜o德博尔德-瓦尔莫尔(Marceline Desbordes-Valmore)在想到她的故乡佛兰德的时候这样说(《斯卡尔普的小溪》)。
106376 yellow stone 黄石
106377 you rascal, what delightful hours you used to pass in your rascality in those nostalgia-dredged nooks and corners of the palazzo Merona! 啊!淘气鬼,你就知道耍顽皮,在梅罗内城堡里那些弥漫着怀旧气息的隐蔽处,度过快乐的时光!
106378 École des Beaux-Arts: The Parisian school of architecture that traces its origins to 1671, and which dominated architectural education in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. 美术学院(École des Beaux-Arts):巴黎的建筑学派,可追溯到1671年,在19世纪晚期和20世纪早期主导建筑教育。来自世界各地的学生进入巴黎的美术学院。
106379 ΣγI Qi ≤ΦRn Section B 地震 第6章 建筑施工
106380 Advancing supply-side structural reform in transport. ——推动交通运输供给侧结构性改革。