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106103 |
small heating room |
暖阁 |
106104 |
small pagodas in the four corners represent the Ah Chu Buddha, ratnasambhva, Amitabha and amoghasiddhi. |
五座佛塔建在一个方形台上,四角的四座小塔分别代表阿[门众]佛、宝生佛、阿弥陀佛、不空成就佛。 |
106105 |
snails don't realize their good fortune." |
蜗牛们真是身在福中不知福。" |
106106 |
so Lugou became a hub of communication between the south and the north. |
因此,卢沟渡口自古以来便成为南北往来的要冲。 |
106107 |
so its advantages were obvious. |
因而其优势是十分明显的。 |
106108 |
so only relatively simple bridges were built and repaired. |
只能建造和修缮较为简单的桥梁, |
106109 |
so that people on the bridges can not only stop and have a break, but also can enjoy the landscape of lakes and mountains. |
人们置身其上,既可以驻足休息,又可以饱览湖光山色。 |
106110 |
so there were restaurants, singing halls, scenes of debauchery and flocked merchants and traders. |
因此,这里酒楼歌肆,灯红酒绿,商贾云集, |
106111 |
some of them are located in thoroughfares of downtowns, which have wonderful models; |
有的坐落闹市通衢,造型奇巧; |
106112 |
some of them cross rocky gullies or brooks, adding splendor for mountains and rivers; |
有的跨越岩壑溪涧,增辉山川; |