ID 原文 译文
106024 pagoda's body is bamboo-shaped, with layers of shrines niche with carved statues of Buddha, lions, elephants. 笋状塔身,层层缠绕着屋宇形式的佛龛,龛内雕有坐佛一尊,龛下托以圆雕的狮、象等形式的龛座,[上下层龛位互相错叠,具有渐变的、有韵律的图案组合。]
106025 parch marks 干痕
106027 parti: Literally meaning a decision, this was originally a term of the École des Beaux-Arts that referred to the position taken by the architect with respect to the solution of a particular building program. 总体构图(parti):字面意思是“决定”。这最初是出自巴黎的美术学院的术语,指的是建筑师对特定建筑项目的解决方案所采取的立场。
106028 passes the Shuangtayu River, Yimu, Yuquanqingshui, enters the capital at West Water Gate, 过双塔榆河、一亩、玉泉清水,至西水门入都城,
106031 pediment: The gable end of an ancient temple. 山花(pediment):古庙的山墙。
106032 per foot. For cheaper pavements constructed to less-exacting standards the cross slope is greater. 而对于低造价和低标准的路面建设横坡会更大。
106033 peristyle: A continuous colonnade, either surrounding a classical building, as in the Lincoln Memorial, or a courtyard, as in the White House Rose Garden. 列柱围廊(peristyle):一种连续的柱廊,围绕着古典建筑,如林肯纪念堂,或围绕着庭院,如白宫玫瑰园。
106034 pilaster: The representation of a column in a wall. 壁柱(pilaster):一列在墙上的柱子。
106035 placed before us with a physical presence more intense, more alive, than that of any later building.' 展现在我们眼前的建筑比后来任何一座建筑都更生动。
106036 planning and scheduling 计划与进度