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106004 or "We never put a man in there without field experience" - should be given short shrift. Not only does the job deserve the best man. 要知道这并不仅仅是因为一个职位需要最适当的人选,也是因为用人应着眼于机会,而非着眼于问题。
106005 or "Will he be acceptable?" rather than by asking "Is he the man most likely to do an outstanding job?" 用人的时候,我们也会仅考虑“我喜欢这个人吗”或“这个人能用吗”,而不会考虑“这个人在这个职位上,是不是能干得非常出色”。
106006 or be simply or concurrently imposed upon a fine of not if there are no illegal proceeds or if such proceeds are less than 50, 000 yuan. 没有违法所得或者违法所得不足五万元的, 单处或者并处一万元以上五万元以下的罚款;
106007 or if any of the Contractor's Personnel, agents or Subcontractors gives or offers to give (directly or indirectly) to any person any such inducement or reward as is described in this sub-paragraph (f). 或任何承包商人员、代理人、或分包商(直接或间接)向任何人付给或企图付给本款(f)项所述的任何此类引诱或报偿。
106008 or if any of the Contractor's Personnel, agents or Subcontractors gives or offers to give (directly or indirectly) to any person any such inducement or reward as is described in this sub-paragraph (f). 或者,如果任何承包商的人员、代理商或分包商如(f)段所述的那样给予或提出给予(直接或间接)任何人以任何此类引诱或报酬。
106009 or material (using different colors for different grades of concrete, or for concrete vs. plasterboard, even if they are to be painted the same color). 投标人投标截止的日期、时间和地点,以及开标的日期、时间和地点都要在招标时公布,所有的投标都要在规定的时间打开。
106010 or on the basis of the best information available, decide to apply provisional measures and levy anti-dumping duties retroactively on the products imported within 90 days prior to the application of such provisional anti-dumping measures, except the products imported before the violation of the undertaking. 根据可获得的最佳信息, 可以决定采取临时反倾销措施, 并可以对实施临时反倾销措施前90天内进口的产品追溯征收反倾销税, 但违反价格承诺前进口的产品除外。
106011 or only on the major ones which together account for the bulk of our production? 还是说只对“重要的产品”我们如约交货?
106012 or that the consequent extravagance or its use was in conflict with Mencius' economic principles. 或是使用过分与奢侈,而与孟子的节俭原则相背。
106013 or the cast iron Buddhist seated among the ruins of the huge temple of Ling-yen Ssu off the highway near Fen-yang (Figure 12); 汾阳附近大路边,铸铁佛像趺坐于灵岩寺堂皇残址的瓦砾间(图12);如此等等不一而足。