ID 原文 译文
105934 o Identify methods to sustain an ongoing interest in Quality Management and to create quality awareness in all staff on a continuing basis. This could include a presentation package on Quality Management for use in employee meetings. o 找出方法,不断使全体工作人员持续对质量管理感到有兴趣,并树立起质量意识,包括在雇员会议上使用关于质量管理的成套演示。
105935 o Identify the parts of the process that need improvement. o 找出过程中需要改进的部分。
105936 o Identify the person, if not the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), responsible for implementing Quality Management in the firm, and allocate the necessary resources. o 最高行政主管,要明确指定人员负责执行公司的质量管理,并分配必要的资源。
105937 o Implement improvement strategies company-wide. o 在全公司范围实施改进战略。
105938 o Implement pilot improvement strategies. o 实施试点改进战略。
105939 o Increase quality awareness and "buy-in" by all management and employees by having regular, short meetings on the subject of Quality Management and use videos or other techniques to heighten awareness. o 采取定期的、以质量管理为题的短会,使用影视或其他提高认识的技术,以提高所有管理人员和雇员的质量意识和接受程度。
105940 o Initiate the measurement process. o 着手衡量过程。
105941 o Is recertification required with senior staff changes? o 是否髙级职员调换就要求重新认证?
105942 o Make decisions about where to focus improvement efforts. o 就集中何处改进作出决策。
105943 o Monitor and coordinate progress. o 监督和协调改进情况。