ID 原文 译文
105894 o Chart current work flow of the issue. o 绘出这一问题的现行工作流程图。
105895 o Client focus or customer satisfaction; o 客户关心的焦点或顾客满意;
105896 o Commitment of senior management in a demonstrable way; o 高层管理者的承诺,以明确的方式表达;
105897 o Communicate progress. o 交流进展情况。
105898 o Conduct client perception studies of expectations and service levels. o 引导研究客户对期望和服务水平的理解。
105899 o Conduct ongoing measurement of results of strategies implemented. o 对战略执行的结果进行持续的测评。
105900 o Confirm anticipated relationships between two associated sets of data. o 确认两组相关数据之间的预期关系。
105901 o Confirmation-confirm an improvement of a process. o 确认-对一种改进后的质量管理过程的确认。
105902 o Continue periodic audits of processes. o 对过程不断进行定期审核。
105903 o Continue to motivate, and train staff in the process. o 在执行改进过程中不断动员和培训员工。