ID 原文 译文
105874 modernism: The architectural movement that began in the early twentieth century and broke conclusively with the classical and Gothic traditions that had shaped Western architecture for centuries. 现代主义(Modernism):20世纪初开始的建筑运动,彻底打破了塑造西方建筑几个世纪的古典和哥特式传统。
105875 moments here. Instead, the relationship of the site to the size, simple volumes, and restrained materials of the buildings beckons us to prospect, to explore. 不过,这些建筑与场地的关系(根据场地情况选定的建筑规模、形态、材料),召唤着我们去勘查、去探索。
105876 neoclassicism: An architectural movement, beginning in the mid-eighteenth century that, in reaction to the Rococo style, turned to the more severe classical architecture of ancient Greece and Rome. 新古典主义(Neoclassicism):从18世纪中叶开始的一场建筑运动,为应对洛可可风格,转向了古希腊和罗马更为严苛的古典建筑。
105877 nguage for communications ... 1.4 通讯联络的语言1.4天
105878 no costly stones in our cabinets? 我们的厨内没有价值连城的宝石?
105879 no frescoed fancies on our roofs? 我们的屋顶没有极富想象力的顶画?
105880 no gilded furniture in our chambers? 我们的室内没有镶金的家具?
105881 no niched statuary in our corridors? 我们的回廊没有放置雕像的壁龛?
105882 no way for crawling out. 没有办法从中爬出来。
105883 north-east facade 东北立面