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105834 latticed window 漏窗
105835 le for his image to have retained its primitivity. Consequently, it could not be the tool required for our research on the subject of the primitivity of images of being. 因而,巴门尼德的"球体"实在经历太多沧桑,使得它的形象不再停留在其原始性中,因此它不再能作为一个恰当的工具帮助我们关于存在形象的原始性的研究。
105836 le in their hard consistency. Indeed, the principle of solidification is so powerful, the conquest of hardness is carried so far, that the shell achieves its enamel-like beauty as though it had been helped by fire. 并且,这种坚固化的原则是那么重要,对坚硬的追求那么锲而不舍,使得贝壳赢得了美丽的珐琅质,就好像它受到了火的帮助一样。
105837 le of a controversial metaphor, giving orders and passing judgment, always in the same way. 它发号施令,它做出判断,并且总是以同样的方式做出判断。
105838 lenders need to have some confidence in the funds being available to repay borrowings, whether that is provided by a contract for the offtake of a project? 因此贷方需要对可获得的资金有信心, 不管它是由可靠的购买者购置大量的货物所获得的,
105839 les. At times we think we know ourselves in time, when all we know is a sequence of fixations in the spaces of the being's stability-a being who does not want to melt away, and who, even in the past, when he sets out in search of things past, wants time to "suspend" its flight. 人们有时以为能在时间中认识自己,然而人们认识的只是在安稳的存在所处的空间中的一系列定格,这个存在不愿意流逝,当他出发寻找逝去的时光时,他想要在这段过去中"悬置"时间的飞逝。
105840 let it be understood that the Villa Savoye is falling apart before our very eyes; doors and windows have been stolen and kids have smashed all the panes of glass". 我们可以想像,萨伏伊别墅正在我们的眼前支离破碎:门窗被盗,小孩打碎了所有的窗户玻璃。”
105841 lets; but it only furnishes the more plain instance of the danger of the fallacious system which, from the beginning, repressed the German, and, in the end, ruined the French Gothic. 这个错误体系起初在德国压制哥特式建筑的发展,最终毁灭了法国的哥特式建筑。
105842 letterhead, Weissman contacted the American architect W. Harrison, who had worked on the U.N. 另一个有力的支援是来自埃内斯特•魏斯曼,魏斯曼用印有联合国抬头的信笺联系类国建筑师W•哈里森,哈里森在纽约的联合国大楼工作。
105843 lide, a new comedy-ballet by Molière with music by Jean-Baptiste Lully, tournament jousting, dancing, pageants, firework displays and sumptuous, candle-lit banquets. lide),还举办了马上比武、舞会、露天表演、烟火表演以及奢华的烛光晚宴。