ID 原文 译文
105824 its upper part is profusely embellished with stupas, elephants and lions in high relief. 砖结构的表面装饰以灰泥。一个汉代的三层楼陶制明器
105825 its upper part likes bamboo. 上部呈笋状。
105826 j) Recognition j)褒奖
105827 k) Team Work k)小组工作
105828 l) Measured Quality Assurance I)衡量质量保证
105829 laid with gray brick and paved with white marble. 桥体用青砖砌筑,桥面采用白色的汉白玉铺装。
105830 land boat
105831 later they became smaller and smaller and more complicated. 后来斗拱变得小而复杂。
105832 latticed screen
105833 latticed wall 花墙