ID 原文 译文
105814 it seems crucial to me that the road be surfaced (...) 在我看来铺砌道路至关重要……
105815 it seizes hold of the whole wall and gives it an extra quality, be it the power of blood, the freshness of the prairie, the brightness of sunlight or the depth of the sea and the sky. 它占据着整面墙壁,并赋予墙壁额外的品性,譬如血液的力量、草原的生机、阳光的灿烂,或者海洋的深䆳、天空的离远。
105816 it was impossible to reserve site in advance for Buddha pagoda. 不可能为建佛塔而预先留出位置。
105817 it will be asked, are we in the habit of doing so? Even so; always and everywhere. 有人会问,我们习惯于这么做吗?
105818 its appearance is wooden like structure, simple and vigorous. 外观完全为仿木结构形式,古朴苍劲。
105819 its destruction at every dynastic change became almost a matter of course. 每逢改朝换代,它似乎理所当然地要遭受灭顶之灾。
105820 its internal spatial structure has several forms: corridor-style, mandrel type and so on. 其内部空间结构种类很多,主要形式有:壁内折上式、回廊式、穿心式、穿壁式、塔心柱式等多种形式。
105821 its lower part has a similar structure with that of pavilion-style pagoda or dense-eaves pagoda, 塔的下半部分与密檐式塔或者楼阁式塔塔座结构基本相同,
105822 its plane is generally square, hexagonal, octagonal or circular and other types. 建筑平面一般为四角形、六角形、八角形或圆形等几种类型。
105823 its site is the current location of the Tianning pagoda. 其旧址就是今天宁寺塔的位置。