ID 原文 译文
105774 in vogue about 2,000 years ago, among nations whose climate, religion, government and manners were totally dissimilar to our own... 大约2000年前,这些国家的气候、宗教、政府和礼节与我们国家完全不同……
105775 in which circular arch and three-centered arch are seldom found in other regions of China. 其中的圆弧形拱券和三心圆弧形拱券在全国其他地区较为少见。
105776 in which we have introduced the notations σallow and σy for the allowable and yield stresses, respectively. 或者式(4A-2)引出了σallow 和σy,分别表示允许应力和屈服应力。
105777 in-motion viewing 动观
105778 in-situ viewing 静观
105779 inscribed board/couplet 匾对
105780 inscribed name board 匾额
105781 inside the niches are usually engraving statues or carved Buddhist stories. 其内雕佛像居多,也有雕刻佛教故事等图案造型的。
105782 inspection of the equipment 设备检验土建工程
105783 insulation of the exterior walls against the heat and the cold." 外墙做保温以抵御寒热”。