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105754 important but it is also resource efficient. Construction automation, better equipment, new processes, and new techniques will be employed to perform quality work with fewer workers. 建筑的自动化,更尖端的设备,新的进程和新技术将会投入到运行的工作当中,而所需工作人员的数量则会相对减少。
105755 in 1954, the People's Government of Beijing Municipality determined to widen the Beihai Great Bridge in the middle of the road to the north or south. 1954年,北京市人民政府决定,在道路中间的北海大桥向北或向南拓宽,
105756 in 1985, 1,000 tons of large pieces out of the limit passed through this bridge in four times with 250 tons once. 1985年,又有1000吨超限大件,分四次,每次250吨通过卢沟桥。
105757 in case an application is rejected, the Trademark Office shall issue to the applicant a Notice of Rejection. 驳回申请的, 发给申请人《驳回通知书》。
105758 in case of any inconsistency with the laws, regulations or relevant standards, the said departments shall, based on the monitoring results, require the unit that operates the centralized sewage treatment facilities or solid waste disposal facilities to take corresponding improvement measures. 对不符合法律法规和相关标准要求的,应当根据监测结果,要求污水集中处理设施、固体废物处置设施运营单位采取相应改进措施。
105759 in case the postmark is unclear or in the absence of a postmark, the date 20 days after the papers are sent out by the Trademark Office or 20 days before the receipt of the papers by the Trademark Office shall be taken as the date the papers are received or sent out by the party concerned. 邮戳不清或者没有邮戳的, 以商标局发文后二十天或者收文前二十天分别作为当事人收到或者发出的日期。
105760 in cases of failure to make the addition or correction or to do so within the time limit, the application shall be returned to the applicant, and the date of application shall not be maintained. 未作补正或者超过期限补正的, 予以退回, 申请日期不予保留。
105761 in municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities divided into districts, one or more labor-dispute arbitration commissions may also be established. 直辖市、设区的市也可以设立一个或者若干个劳动争议仲裁委员会。
105762 in northern cities the street scene is often enlivened by gaily painted timber ones. 北方城镇的街道常有华丽的木牌楼。〔6〕桥梁
105763 in serious cases, it shall be prohibited from engaging in the said businesses, and punished by a fine of not less than RMB 500,000 yuan but not more than RMB 1,000,000 yuan. 情节严重的,禁止从事上述业务,并处五十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款;