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105527 |
classicism: A classical building uses an architectural vocabulary derived from the Greco-Roman architectural tradition. |
古典主义(Classicism):古典建筑中使用的建筑词汇源于希腊-罗马的建筑传统。 |
105528 |
cliff inscription; stone inscription |
摩崖 |
105529 |
cole Polytechnique in Paris or the Engineering Academy of Dresden. The essence of great architecture was understood to reside in what was functionally unnecessary. |
伟大建筑的本质就在于那些在功能上并无必要的元素。 |
105530 |
cole des Beaux Arts in Paris, and Howells set up practice in New York, establishing a reputation such that he was one of the ten American architects invited to enter the competition. |
豪威尔斯与胡德初次相识于非常传统的巴黎美术学院,他们都在那里学习。豪威尔斯在纽约执业,并确立了自己的声誉,所以成为获邀参加竞赛的10位美国建筑师之一。 |
105531 |
cole pratique des hautes études, created in 1868, placed an emphasis on archival research by professionally trained cadres of historians. Work in archives could not only reveal hidden facets of the past, but also dispose of myths that had built up over time and been disseminated widely enough to give them credence. |
对文献的研究不仅能揭露过去那些被隐藏起来的方面,还能破除随时间推移而形成,并因广泛传播而被足够多的人相信的神话。 |
105533 |
commentaries in Yuanming Yuan Tuyong 1987). East of this viewing chamber was a larger structure named the Hanyuan Zhai surrounded by magnolia trees, which fill the air with fragrance when they blossom. |
在这座观景楼的东边是名为"涵远斋"的巨大建筑,四周玉兰树环绕,当花朵盛放之时,到处飘香。 |
105534 |
commentaries in Yuanming Yuan Tuyong 1987). East of this viewing chamber was a larger structure named the Hanyuan Zhai surrounded by magnolia trees, which fill the air with fragrance when they blossom. |
在这座观景楼的东边是名为“涵远斋”的巨大建筑,四周玉兰树环绕,当花朵盛放之时,到处飘香。 |
105535 |
common tools |
常用工具 |
105536 |
company in its organization and management structure. But General Motors is clearly an international company today. |
可是到了今天,通用汽车公司已成为一家“国际公司”了。 |
105537 |
construction which affects city planning but can still be remedied shall, by order of the competent department of city planning administration of the local people's government at or above the county level, be corrected within a prescribed period of time and be concurrently punishable by a fine. |
影响城市规划, 尚可采取改正措施的, 由县级以上地方人民政府城市规划行政主管部门责令限期改正, 并处罚款。 |