ID 原文 译文
105514 came back with your warm letter which reached me only after my return to Peking a few days ago. (钱)端升带回来你热情洋溢的信件的时候,我正在波兰和德国。几天前,我刚结束访问回到北京,就收到了你的来信。
105515 can speak English only a little, do you understand me? 我只能说一点英语,你能听懂吗?
105516 cantilever: A simple beam is supported at both ends; a cantilevered beam is supported only at one end and projects like a diving board. 悬臂(cantilever):简支梁两端支撑,悬臂梁只在一端支撑,像跳板一样突出。
105518 carbon 0.22% 0.22%
105519 carved with the design of stylized waves and mountain peaks in relief. 阳面浮雕上塑海水江崖四兽。
105521 ceramic tiles, The Alcazar, Seville, fourteenth century 瓷砖,摩尔人国王的宫殿,塞维利亚,十四世纪
105522 certain rich mandarins own bathtubs made of one of these shells." 有钱的官老爷们家里都有这种贝壳做的浴缸。"
105524 charrette: A term that originated in the École des Beaux-Arts where carts (charrettes) were used to transport the large drawings from the atelier to the main building on the rue Bonaparte for evaluation by the professors. 设计研讨会(charrette):起源于巴黎美术学院的专业术语。当时在美术学院,学生用手推车把图从工作室运到波拿巴街的主楼,供教授点评。
105525 chez de me sauver mon pauvre Versailles' ('Try to save my poor Versailles for me'). 试着为我拯救可怜的凡尔赛宫吧。"
105526 civil engineering construction machinery 施工机械