105474 |
c. Finding that an entity which has obtained approval or passed the examinations for acceptance according to law but fails exercise its duties of supervision and administration and failing to withdraw the original approval or failing to investigate and handle any act violating the statutory provisions concerning production safety. |
(三) 对已经依法取得批准的单位不履行监督管理职责, 发现其不再具备安全生产条件而不撤销原批准或者发现安全生产违法行为不予查处的。 |
105475 |
c. If it finds any potential accident in its inspections, it shall order them to be eliminated without delay. If safety cannot be guaranteed before a serious potential accident is eliminated or in the process of elimination, it shall order the employees at work to leave the dangerous areas, and order that the business operation or production or use be suspended or terminated. |
(三) 对检查中发现的事故隐患, 应当责令立即排除; 重大事故隐患排除前或者排除过程中无法保证安全的, 应当责令从危险区域内撤出作业人员, 责令暂时停产停业或者停止使用; |
105476 |
c. Is the quality leader independent of having direct responsibility for work being performed? |
c. 质量负责人是否不对执行工作负有直接的责任? |
105477 |
c. Is there a person or team with responsibility to identify and record quality problems? |
c. 是否有专人或小组负责鉴别和记录质量问题? |
105478 |
c. The safety facilities fail to pass the examinations for acceptance before a mining construction project or a construction project for the production or storage of hazardous substances is put into production or use; |
(三) 矿山建设项目或者用于生产、储存危险物品的建设项目竣工投入生产或者使用前, 安全设施未经验收合格的; |
105479 |
c.10,000 BC |
约公元前10000年 |
105480 |
c.10,500 BC |
约公元前10500年 |
105481 |
c.10,900 BC |
约公元前10900年 |
105482 |
c.1000 BC |
约公元前1000年 |
105483 |
c.1000 Gunpowder is invented in China; First Americans build granaries in the cliffs along the Verde River, USA. |
约1000年 中国发明了火药;美国人首先在美国佛得角河沿岸的陡岸建造谷仓。 |