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105400 |
b) Provide interested member firms with an outline of what steps to follow to initiate the development of a Quality Management process for their company. |
b)给有兴趣的会员公司提供一个大纲,使其了解着手质量管理应采取怎样的步骤。 |
105401 |
b) Quality Procedures |
b)质量程序 |
105402 |
b) That there should be a formalized Quality Management System in every consulting engineering firm. |
b)每一家工程咨询公司应该有一套规范化的质量管理体系。 |
105403 |
b) to provide guidelines for the selection and use of a series of International Standards on quality systems that can be used for internal Quality Management purposes (ISO 9004) and for external quality assurance purposes (ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003). |
b)为选择和使用能用于内部质量管理目的(ISO 9004)和外部质量保证目的(ISO 9001、ISO 9002和ISO 9003)的国际质量体系标准系列提供指南。 |
105404 |
b. Are there written procedures to ensure qualified personnel perform the design and verification activities? |
b. 是否有成文程序以保证由合格人员进行设计和验证活动? |
105405 |
b. Do personnel have adequate training and resources to verify activities? |
b. 人员是否得到适当的培训和进行验证活动的资源? |
105406 |
b. Does the quality leader either report directly to senior management or serve as part of senior management or is a principal? |
b. 质量负责人是否直接向高层管理人员报告或者是作为高层管理的一员或者是主要负责人? |
105407 |
b. Failing to clamp down or handle according to law after finding or receiving reports that any entity which has not obtained approval or has not passed the examinations for acceptance according to law is engaged in relevant activities; |
(二) 发现未依法取得批准、验收的单位擅自从事有关活动或者接到举报后不予取缔或者不依法予以处理的; |
105408 |
b. Failing to create archivist files or failing to make appraisals or monitors or failing to make emergence plans for important sources of danger; |
(二) 对重大危险源未登记建档, 或者未进行评估、监控, 或者未制定应急预案的; |
105409 |
b. In the production and business operation site and the employees' dormitories there is no exit which meets the requirements of emergency dispersal and which is eye-catching and unblocked, or the exit to the sites of production and business operation or the employees' dormitories is closed or blocked. |
(二) 生产经营场所和员工宿舍未设有符合紧急疏散需要、标志明显、保持畅通的出口, 或者封闭、堵塞生产经营场所或者员工宿舍出口的。 |